Christmas Sneak Peek!

I have finally had a chance to sit down and look through our photos from Christmas.  This year we spent Christmas in Brisbane with Nana Sal and Grandy.  We had a fantastic time, celebrating Christmas, birthdays and the new year,  we visited theme parks, we relaxed, we shopped, we drank, ate and even fit in a little bit of excercise (just a little bit!).  I have LOTS of photos to prepare to show you but for now, here are two of gorgeous ‘J’.  These were taken in the middle of a run in the rain!

Watering (the fun way!)

Just a quick post tonight as it’s getting late.  Snapped these the other day.  Josie and Brad started off hosing the garden together and ended in lots of laughter and one soaked little kiddie.  She had a ball and I’m sure the water provided some relief to this hot spring weather we are having at the moment (not looking forward to summer!)

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I’m Back!

I have been trying to get to the computer to do a new post for ages but it just hasn’t happened!  We have been very busy lately changing the girls’ rooms around and culling lots of ‘junk’.  We now have a toy room (which will remain there until we have another baby!).  Josie has discovered the word ‘bloody’, her version is ‘buddy’.  She may not be able to pronounce it properly but she sure know the context in which to use it.  Some examples include such gems as, “Get me my buddy ice cream,” rub my buddy legs” and the latest from this morning, “Elsie hit her buddy head” (a story I will tell later in the post).  Elsie’s talking is progressing as well, she attempted the word ‘keys’ today which totally blew me away.  She says ‘ta’, ‘ma’,  ‘dadad’,  ‘wowo (water),  ‘nana’ (banana) and ‘bye’ (this is my favourite as it is always accompanied by a wave and if I tell her I love her she blows me a kiss!).  I feel like she should be saying more words because she talks A LOT but maybe she is and I just don’t understand her yet.  She is unbelievably cute and has a funny walk and an even funnier run. The girls come in to our room most mornings, sometimes for cuddles, sometimes for tickles and giggles and sometimes to pull out all the contents of the bedside table drawers and make a big mess.

Not so impressed that mum has the camera out yet again.

Obviously warming up to the camera!

Doing her yoga stretches for the morning (I wish I was that flexible).

Bed head

She just can’t get enough of herself!

Now for the story on how Elsie bumped her ‘buddy’ head.  We went to the doctors yesterday to get a booster immunisation for Josie.  Before we left I explained what we were doing, that it would hurt, but that she had to be brave and after a little bit it wouldn’t hurt any more.  I told her I would give her a treat and we would go and have a look in Spotlight to pick out something she could paint.  I think she was pretty excited about the whole thing.  She was full of confidence at the doctors.  She was telling our lovely doctor all about our dog and answering all the doctors questions.

After the doctor took her temperature she took us through to the nurses room for the needle.  Actually Josie led the way, like I said, she was full of confidence.  In the nurses room she immediately asked where the jelly beans were as she had remembered them from last time.  She was chatting away to the nurse, being very friendly and ridiculously cute.  The nurse prepared the needle and brought it over while Josie was sitting on my lap.  Josie pulled up her sleeve for the nurse and I reminded her it was going to hurt but she had to be brave.

As soon as the needle went in she started screaming and grabbed for her arm.  Things changed a little then.  She would no longer talk to, let alone look at, the nurse (or me for that matter).  I gave her the Milkyway chocolate but she wouldn’t eat it (that NEVER happens).  She seemed so put out that we would do such a thing to her.  After a while she settled and we packed up and headed out the the waiting room.

On the way, not more than 2m from the nurses room the girls ran in to each other causing Elsie to trip, stumble and fall… right in to the corner of the wall.  Aaaaggggghhhhhhh!  I picked her up and straight away I could see a dark line and swelling on her forehead, right in the middle.  There was only a little bit of  blood but it just looked so awful.  We were quickly ushered back in to the nurse who got us some ice and let me settle her.  The lady from the front counter came up and said they could hear the bump from out the front.  Elsie didn’t take long to settle so once again, we packed our bags and headed out.  I needed to stop at the toilet before we left.  While we were in there I noticed Josie had finally eaten the chocolate and it was all over her hands.  I told told her she needed to wash them.  She refused.  She loves washing her hands so a was a little confused.  I told her again and she still refused.  I asked her why and all of a sudden her bottom lip dropped and began to quiver.  She started to cry and said “I not very brave mummy, I not brave”.  Of course that set me off (after everything we had just been through I really didn’t need her to melt my heart with that!).  So, that is the story of how Elsie bumped her ‘buddy’ head.  Spotlight was my saviour, we had a lovely time picking out two mugs to paint for daddy.  Speaking of daddy, I think he can do next ‘needle duty’!

Chocolate ice-cream and a very windy day!

The girls and I had lunch down at The Strand the other day with some good friends of mine and their children.  We sat near some rocks, close to a path down to the beach, next to a playground and not far from the kiosk, it was a very windy day.  After playing at the playground for a while the kids moved down to the beach and of course, the waters edge.  Miss M and Miss O were having a lovely time jumping the small waves that were coming in.  Miss M was jumping particularly high in her brand new, worn for the first time, asics joggers.  Needless to say, the shoes got drenched and were quickly removed.  They resumed their fun in the shallows, joined now by my very own Miss J who LOVES the water.   Those who know Miss J have probably guessed that this could only end in a stumble into the ocean and soaking clothes… and they would be correct!  Being the fabulously organised mother that I am, I had a change of clothes for her… all sorted.  UNTIL, I decided an ice cream was on the cards.  We headed over to the kiosk and in all my wisdom I bought myself and Miss J each a chocolate ice cream in a cone.  Being a windy day, the ice cream melted too quickly for Miss J to keep up.  The chocolate went EVERYWHERE.  My other little one, Miss E, didn’t want to miss out on the action and headed straight towards me as soon as she caught sight of the the ice cream.  Not wanting to miss a photo opportunity, I gave up my cone (I hear you all gasp… yes, this is probably the one instance I would give up a chocolate ice cream) and snapped away.  Why is it that when the girls are looking clean and in their best clothes, they won’t acknowledge the camera, yet when covered in chocolate, they can’t get enough of it?!!  All I can say is, thank goodness for NapiSan…..


Welcome to our family!

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Hi All!  Welcome to my new blog.  This is my way of keeping a record of our lives and sharing it with friends and family.  SO… if you are a friend or family PLEASE subscribe so you can receive my posts!  Don’t expect anything exciting, just the day to day stuff eg. funny things Miss J says (and there are many of them!) and the new words Miss E is learning.  Of  course there will be photos and videos and photos and more photos.  I have a backlog of photos I want to post and will get to them eventually but for my first posts, just a slideshow of the girls from the last few days.